CS30 Athletic Performance Training Program was developed by Conrad Sherland based on his CS30 Training Module. This training focuses on the development of torso strength, hip strength, flexibility, and training the body’s stability system. The well-rounded program addresses nutrition as well as the physiological and emotional strength of the individual.

Today’s athlete and coaches don’t realize the power of hip and torso strength as opposed to size. And how hip and torso strength translates to reduced lower extremity injuries while providing more power, speed, and agility. CS30 trains the neurological and muscular systems to work in harmony (the way it was designed) and teaches the individual how to apply raw strength with force, balance, and control. The least amount of time spent trying to stabilize between movements translates to faster reaction to the next movement. This creates more force, quicker agility, and increased speed. It don’t matter what sport you play, the CS30 Athletic Performance Training will make you stronger, faster, more powerful, and agile in the sport you play.

 Program Highlights:

  • Increased Muscle Strength and Muscle Endurance
  • Speed and Power Development (Power to weight ratio of the athlete)
  • Torso and Core Strength Development  
  • Improved Flexibility
  • Explosive Power
  • Balance and Coordination
  • Speed, Quickness, and Agility (ability to quickly change direction)
  • Improve Acceleration and Deceleration  (Ability to start and stop quickly)
  • Reaction Time
  • Vertical Jump  
  • Improve Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditioning (The key components of the athlete’s ability to keeping moving longer and faster during competition)
  • Improve Mental Strength  (The ability of the athlete to stay focus and press on when the going gets tough with the heighten tension of competition)